Follow through is sexy

I have a thought I'd like to share, to put out there for your consideration. I think it lives in the realm of accountability, responsibility and integrity. It's about me, it's about all of us.
I had a conversation today about what I call intention and follow through. I remember years ago a friend saying to me and my hubby, "Follow through is sexy." - and it is. 
Why? Because SO many of us SAY we are going to show up, to do something, to help out, and then we just don't. And often, we don't even bother to take responsibility for the fact that we did not keep our word. 
We make ourselves look "GOOD" on social media by clicking a YES on our RSVP when we have no real intention of showing up, or by saying, "I will help" or whatever the promise is, then most of us do not ACTUALLY DO IT. 
What I do know is that in the end, there is no integrity to be found in simply SAYING you are going to be there, or do the thing, or contribute, or show up in some way. You have to DO IT for it to matter. Have I ever done it? Yes, I am humbled to say I have. And it doesn't feel good.
And we all make our really good, believable and awesome excuses for why we don't follow through, don't keep our word, don't help, or call or visit or chip in when we say we will. (And in truth, sometimes real stuff comes up, and I'm not speaking to my own life experience, most of the time, it's just that: excuses. Or, more often, none are even given, there is just simply not follow through.)
And, it only really counts WHEN ACTION FOLLOWS WORD. 
I'd like to BE my word more often. I don't always make it, I can do better. I want folks to be able to count on me. I want my word to mean something. I want to be generous, and not just talk about it. And, I'd like to actually be able to count on others to do what they say they will do. It's a rare thing, and it shouldn't be. 
I should say that I do know a number of people who have inspiring amounts of integrity, who are high-functioning, who mean what they say and who DO what they say they will. And I respect the hell out of them. Truly. I want to be more like them. 
Follow through is SEXY.


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